LiveSafe app screenshot


LiveSafe is the free mobile safety app for students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and visitors.

This app allows you to stay safe by providing a streamlined way to communicate directly with University Police and allows safety officials to better protect you.

Safety Alerts

Receive important safety alerts from 在线博彩 and your friends.

Emergency Options

Communicate with University Police via chat or phone. In case of emergency you can choose to contact 911, or call/message University Police, location tracking will begin, allowing officers to respond to your exact location.

Report Tips

Protect the Pack. Anonymously submit information to University Police about suspicious activity, harassment, noise complaints, vandalism and any other safety issues you may experience. You have an option to add photos, audio, or video to your message to enable officers to better respond to the issue.

Safe Walk

Invite friends to see you on a live map as you leave a location, stay in constant communication while you walk to your destination, and send a group chat when you reach your destination safely.

Install and Support

Phone with LiveSafe installed


Do I have to pay to install the LiveSafe app?

No. The app is free for both iOS and Android.

If I download LiveSafe, can law enforcement see my location whenever they want?

No.  When you submit a tip, your current location is only submitted once and is attached to that tip – tracking is not enabled. However, when you use the Emergency button, your location is tracked until you stop location tracking within the Emergency button screen.

Is the anonymous feature really anonymous?

Yes, it is. If you check the "Send Anonymously" box when submitting a tip, your user information will show up as "Anonymous" in all of the fields.